I've always knew this was going to be hard. But it turned out to be hard in a completely different way from what I was expecting. You can't blame me for missing home. You can't blame me for missing my dog waking me up every day, my sunday mornings spent in a sofa watching The Simpsons until lunch time, my granmother's soups and wise words, my mum telling me to stop walking barefoot around the house, my dad yelling at me to hurry up or he'll be late for work. You can't blame me for that. I'm a human just like you. But hey, missing is one thing, giving up is completely another.
I just needed to let this words out and since I have no one to talk to, my blog is my only confident
2 comentários:
Sandra, tu és forte, eu sei disso. Sempre me disses-te para nunca desistir, e eu sei que nunca farás isso! É normal, sentires-te sozinha, mas com o tempo vais fazendo amizades e tudo se torna um pouca mais fácil.
Sempre que precisares de falar, já sabes, por msn, twitter ou skype.
being a human sometimes sucks.
i know that feeling..missing someone...missing our stuff, our home..you'll be fine Pixie. you're strong enough to get through all this.
i know you can.
just remember.. i'll be here 24/7 for you Pixie.
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