sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2010



The Drawing exam was HORRIBLE, really. But I am so glad it's all over now so I can say: Holidayysssss. Goodbye High school, Hello College. I've been waiting for this moment for years :) Will have 3 months of pure fun and excitement before joining college in September. Have no idea what I am going to do until the end of July to be honest, but I'll figure that out later. I am moving to London by the end of July/beginning of August so the pressure, the excitement and the butterflies in the stomach are on. But it will be all worth it! Cannot wait to experience the real life in that city for the next 4 years.
My plans for the next few weeks are: enjoy the rest of the World Cup, my family is a BIG fan of football so I am literally forced to watch every single game. Going on a hunt of a good house in London (this task is being more difficult than we expected), read a lot and work out a lot. Starting with a walk tomorrow morning. Let's hope this summer will be better then the previous ones.

5 comentários:

Susana S' disse...

Invejaaa eu ainda não posso dizer férias, ainda tenho exame te matemáctica b e de geometria. BAH! aww, quando fores para Londres, não te esqueças de continuar a actuaçizar o teu blog, sim? :)

(quem faz anos hoje é o meu maninho. faz 10 :p obrigada pelos parabéns *-*)

Mafalda Passos disse...

eu tambem estou de ferias :D
o blog está girissimo :b

beijinhos m.

Luis disse...

Sortudaaaaa. (por acabar o secundário)
I want to leave out here too!! :(
Mas, eu vou-te lá visitar, não te vais livrar de mim assim tão facilmente! And, good luck! (:

Mia disse...

Invejo-te tanto neste momento..! :)

rc. disse...

vais estudar para Londres ? :o